@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2022:56526952, title = {Strategies to mitigate anti-patterns in microservices before migrating from a monolithic system to microservices}, year = {2022}, url = "https://tede.unioeste.br/handle/tede/6034", abstract = "Microservice architectures are affected by the so-called anti-patterns, i.e., bad implementation habits that affect software quality. Considering that the vast majority of microservicesbased systems are migrated from monolithic legacy systems, these anti-patterns can be an undesirable inheritance that must be avoided. Some of these microservice anti-patterns should be mitigated in the early stages of the migration process, namely during premigration. To assist practitioners and researchers in mitigating microservice anti-patterns during pre-migration, this dissertation presents an exploratory study that examines existing strategies. This study addresses the anti-patterns already catalogued in the literature and defined which ones can be mitigated through better pre-migration planning when moving from monolithic to microservice-based systems. This study relies on multi-methods composed of a systematic literature mapping, a rapid review and interview with practitioners. Then, results are analysed using thematic analysis. As a result, ten strategies were identified, namely adopt the domain-driven design, use the strangler pattern, identify tight coupling, use of backlog strategy, group entities, classify data in business subsystem, look at data first, focus on clean architecture, adopt the twelve factor app, and adoption of the evolvability assurance.", publisher = {Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação}, note = {Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas} }