@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2018:372153400, title = {A literatura e suas relações com outras artes: os estímulos da literatura comparada na formação inicial do leitor}, year = {2018}, url = "http://tede.unioeste.br/handle/tede/3874", abstract = "This research, here presented, investigates how literary literacy at school takes place in the last years of Elementary School. From the observation done at the school environment and from our empirical knowledge about the subject, we felt like searching theoretical support that sustained the new proposals about school practice of literary reading, just like to investigate which are the contributions of this type of text for the expansion of the reading capacity of the students at the schooling phase and, evidently, to observe the basic conditions in which such practice happens and consolidates itself. With such objective, we investigate and analyze how the practices of literary literacy with students from the last years of Elementary School in a school in the state educational network in the city Iporã do Oeste – SC have been happening. Furthermore, based upon the bibliographic review, we aimed to elaborate and propose practices of literature reading texts, under the shape of the Project of Pedagogical Intervation Education (Literary Workshops), following Zucki’s model (2015), with the thematic “Building up friendship” in order to develop a proposal of literary literacy in the referred school; likewise, we observed the development of this workshop from the difficulties faced by the students and educators involved and from the results obtained in its implementation. In order to reach the proposed objectives, we base our research on the theoretical assumptions - regarding reading, school and literacy - in Zilberman (1988, 2003), Kleiman (2005), Cosson (2012), Soares (2000, 2010) and Red (2009, 2012). On the place of the young reader and the libraries in the reading act, we focus on the studies of Petit (2008) and, on the humanizing character of Literature, we support ourselves in Candido (2011, 2006, 1989, 1972). In order to support the elaboration of our Intervention Project, we have recourse to the propositions of Reception Theory, by Jauss (1979, 1994) and Iser (1979), as well as to the conception of Intertextuality and Comparative Literature, by Mendoza Fillola (1994). For the analysis of the literary literacy process thorough Comparative Literature and its relations with other areas, we conducted an exploratory study in a seventh grade at the school in which the project took place. For that, we used a qualitative approach with guidelines though the prism of research-action. At the end of this investigational process, we understand the importance of a methodological proper work with literature in the last years of Elementary School that, thorough the convergence of Literature with other arts and areas, we can help the student in the middle of the process of basic education to have a look on the literary art that goes beyond the classroom and that can, in the long run, be extended to his or her life, just like the necessity of the school understanding the place of such work inside its scope.", publisher = {Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras - Mestrado Profissional}, note = {Centro de Educação, Comunicação e Artes} }